
Friday, May 28, 2004

Slashdot | Fix a Troubled Mac: "Fix a Troubled Mac

Posted by timothy on 03:00 PM -- Friday May 28 2004
rossetti writes with this review of Fix a Troubled Mac, v1.3. 'If you run a busy creative design business, you've encountered your fair share of Mac problems like failed tape backups, incorrect network settings, missing CD installers, flashing start-up disks. Macs are not as trouble free as one is led to believe. Running a studio environment with 20 or more Macs does cost money to keep everything working smoothly. It may be only an hour here or there, but this can easily balloon your IT support budget to over $10K a year. If this sounds like your problem, then this book is definitely for you. It takes you through step by step assistance for troubleshooting numerous issues, be it hardware, or networking or software, Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X. Once you start reading or referring to this book for advice, it really feels like having your own Mac-friendly IT support person with you all the times, but not at the hourly rate that they usually charge.' Read on for the rest of rossetti's review."
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